Throughout the past five centuries, Black people worldwide have endured unspeakable hardships: colonization, slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, segregation, and mass incarceration, each unimaginable violence compounding upon the other. Despite these harrowing experiences, our resilience prevails, a testament to the indomitable spirit within us. Thriving even in the harshest environments is no mere coincidence; it emanates from our inherent strength, enabling us to stand tall amidst the ruins.
In this series, the photographer employs real glass atop the photographs, symbolizing the relentless assault on Black people's souls, while the presence of dirt signifies the oppressor's attempt to bury our history, image, and even physical bodies, in a sinister bid to erase and dominate our existence.
With visual metaphors, the series becomes a potent expression of the perseverance and determination that define our community. It shines a light on the unwavering resilience we possess, standing tall amidst adversity and safeguarding our indomitable spirit, unyielding in the face of attempts to suppress our history and presence.